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Why you should visit a skin clinic

Your skin the largest organ on your body and it accounts for 15% of your body weight, so it’s vital you receive the care you need for it. This has never been more important than for your facial skin, but this is the only part of us that is reliably not covered up every day.…

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Skin health habits to continue into the new year

We all wanted to look good for Christmas, but we should continue our good skincare habits into the new year and beyond, too. Healthy skin is an investment, not a miracle, so if you’ve been paying more (or little) attention to your skin this season, you should always strive for better! Here’s the best skin…

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3 ways to prevent party season draining your skin

Party season is right around the corner, and we can’t wait. Tis the season for family photos, seasonal parties, and laughter, so naturally you’re going to be letting your hair down a bit. A combination of late nights, cold winter weather, and a little indulgence really begin to take their toll on your skin during…

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How to maintain healthy skin at any age

Two mantras we live by at Emma J Aesthetics go as following: healthy skin is always in, and beauty is not bound by age. It’s possible to promote the health of your skin at any age, and improving its health ultimately improves its appearance too! We know there’s a lot of ‘skincare tips’ and ‘skincare…

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Autumn & winter skincare tips

We can’t help but reiterate: your skin’s needs change with the seasons! You should of course wear sun protection all year ’round during long periods of exposure, but more so during the summer months when the sun is strongest. Likewise, you should keep your moisturisers light to prevent your pores and follicles becoming blocked with…

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The causes of hyperpigmentation

The exact processes behind hyperpigmentation aren’t entirely understood, but it remains an incredibly common skin condition that many people would rather not experience. It’s thought that hyperpigmentation occurs when the skin reacts quickly to a change in environment or injury, like sun damage, producing excess melanin that rushes to protect fluctuating areas with new skin…

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This is the science behind ageing skin

Lots of changes happen to us when we age, not least of all in our skin. Our first barrier against the environment, topical products, and our lifestyle, our skin really can tell the story of our lives. How our skin ages and develops depends on both our genetics and a variety of lifestyle factors that…

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Skin clinic chemical peels vs. high-street peels

Chemical peels have been performed since the ancient Egyptians, though now instead of in the pyramids and deserts you can receive one at our skin clinic in Inverness! They’re a popular way to tackle many different skin conditions like active acne, scarring, and hyperpigmentation. However, they’re becoming more readily available in high-street stores…

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Can a visit to our cosmetic clinic transform your looks?

The Brand Genetics agency reported recently that 50 year old women now typically behave more like 40 year olds and what we’re finding here at our cosmetic clinic in Inverness is that our customers want a look that will turn back the years aesthetically too. Our experienced nurse practitioner, Emma, will work with you to…

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